1. 教育经历:
2. 工作履历:
2007年4月— 2011年9月,中国城市规划设计研究院城市交通研究所,担任交通工程师(中级职称)。
2016年3月— 2018年3月,日本名古屋大学,担任(博士后)研究员。
3. 社会服务
2023年10月至今,世界交通运输大会(World Transport Convention,WTC)交叉学部交通环境学科低碳交通与政策技术委员会主席。
1. 研究方向:
2. 主持项目(科研课题)
[1] 深圳市哲学社会科学规划课题重点项目,“双碳”目标下深圳建设绿色城市交通系统优化及出行模式引导研究(SZ2022A009),在研。
[2] 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目,多源数据融合情形下公共交通换乘行为时空特征的运力协调策略与方法研究(21YJC630029),在研。
[3] suncity太阳新城新引进高端人才财政补助科研启动项目,智能网联时代基于多源数据融合的交通行为仿真系统开发及应用(20200218),在研。
[4] 广东省哲学社会科学规划项目,基于交通模式特征的湾区都市群交通需求引导管理研究(GD20CGL30),结题。
[5] suncity太阳新城校企合作项目,基于大数据和小样本调查结合的乘客出行链分析研究,结题。
[6] 广东省高校轨道交通智慧运维工程技术开发中心开放基金项目,基于公交IC卡的乘客出行链还原与建模(2019GCZX006),结题。
3. 主持项目(企事业技术需求)
[1] 交通仿真软件出行链仿真模块技术服务,结题。
[2] 公交换乘数据分析技术服务,结题。
[3] 2022年道路货运价格与成本监测服务,结题。
[4] 2021-2023 年南海区交通综合治理专项资金项目-南海区轨道交通站点衔接提升工程前期详细方案,在研。
[5] 2021年道路货运价格与成本监测服务,结题。
[6] 基于大数据和小样本调查结合的乘客出行链分析研究,结题。
4. 主持项目(教学改革)
[1] suncity太阳新城教学改革项目,应用技术型大学校内实习实训基地管理与运行机制探索---以顺丰-深技大智慧物流生产性产教融合实训基地为例(20231021),在研。
[2] 2021年度教育部协同育人课题,物流管理专业精益生产系统实训基地,在研。
[3] 2021年度教育部协同育人课题,物流管理专业应用型人才培养,在研。
[4] 广东省教育科学规划领导小组办公室2021年度教育科学规划课题(高等教育专项),新文科建设背景下物流管理专业人才培养体系构建(2021GXJK335),结题。
[5] suncity太阳新城教学改革项目,“国内国际双循环”背景下应用型物流管理专业人才培养体系研究(20211014),结题。
[6] 校企合作人才培养项目:深圳市怡亚通-suncity太阳新城物流与供应链实训基地,在研。
[7] 2020年度青年教师教育教学能力培养提升计划-莫义弘,负责人。
[8] 2020年度青年教师教育教学能力培养提升计划-杨群,负责人。
[9] 2022年度青年教师教育教学能力培养提升计划-朱诚,负责人。
[10] 广东省教育科学“十三五”规划2020年粤港澳大湾区国际教育示范区建设研究一般项目,粤港澳大湾区面向职本衔接及学生异质性导向的应用型人才教育课程体系建设研究(2020WQYB067),结题。
[11] suncity太阳新城教学改革项目,国际化交通运输工程人才培养体系研究(2018105101013),结题。
5. 主持项目(工程建设):
[1] 东莞市会展中心地块和新城中心枢纽站站点地区规划研究,2011.2- 2011.9,交通专项负责人
[2] 承德市老城核心区近期交通改善,2010.11-2011.9,项目负责人
[3] 阜新市中心商贸区城市设计及交通改善,2009.11-2011.9,交通专项负责人
[4] 中关村电子城西区五环路外地区及北扩地区慢行交通系统规划,2009.4- 2011.2,项目负责人
[5] 中关村电子城西区五环路外地区及北扩地区交通问题研究,2008.10- 2009.4,项目负责人
6. 参与项目:
[1] 日本文部科学省基础研究,26220906,基于移动个体观测的交通网络动态风险管理系统(移動体観測に基づく交通ネットワークの動的リスクマネジメント),2014.5-2019.3,已结题,参加
[2] 日本文部科学省挑戦的萌芽研究,25630215,利用智能手机轨迹数据及GIS数据获取交通出行数据方法(スマートフォン行動データとコンテクストデータを活用した活動・交通ログ自動生成手法),2013.4-2015.3,已结题,参加
[3] 国家科技部“863”专题课题,2007AA11Z123,大型高铁综合交通枢纽功能设计关键技术方法研究,2007. 4-2010.4,已结题,参加
7. 代表期刊论文(交通专业):
[1] Wu, Y., Liu, T*., Gong, L., Luo, Q., and Du, B. (2024). Mining Smart Card Data to Estimate Transfer Passenger Flow in a Metro Network. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Online, 1-17, DOI: 10.1049/itr2.12481
[2] Gong, L.; Wang, T.; Lei, T.; Luo, Q.; Han, Z.; Mo, Y. Daily Travel Mode Choice Considering Carbon Credit Incentive (CCI)—An Application of the Integrated Choice and Latent Variable (ICLV) Model. Sustainability 2023, 15, 14809. https://doi.org/10.3390/su152014809
[3] 王静,刘锴,王江波,宫磊.(2023).大数据驱动的地铁留乘行为分析.清华大学学报(自然科学版)(11)
[4] Saqib, Zulkaif Ahmed, Luo Qin*, Rashid Menhas, and Gong Lei*. 2023. Strategic Sustainability and Operational Initiatives in Small- and Medium-Sized Manufacturers: An Empirical Analysis, Sustainability, 15(7): 6330. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15076330
[5] Lei, T., Guo, S., Qian, X., & Gong, L. (2022). Understanding charging dynamics of fully-electrified taxi services using large-scale trajectory data, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 143, 2022. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2022.103822.)
[6] Guo, Y., Qian, X., Lei, T., Guo, S., & Gong, L. (2022).Modeling the preference of electric shared mobility drivers in choosing charging stations, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 110, 2022. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2022.103399.)
[7] Lei GONG, Toshiyuki YAMAMOTO, Temporal and Spatial Pattern of Shared Bike Trips --- An Empirical Study of New York City, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2019, Vol 13, p. 1333-1347.(https://doi.org/10.11175/easts.13.1333)
[8] Gong, L., Yamamoto, T., & Morikawa, T. (2018). Identification of Activity Stop Locations in GPS Trajectories by DBSCAN-TE Method Combined with Support Vector Machines. Transportation Research Procedia.(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2018.10.028)
[9] Gong, L., Kanamori, R., & Yamamoto, T. (2017). Data Selection in Machine Learning for Identifying Trip Purposes AND Travel Modes from Longitudinal GPS Data Collection Lasting for Seasons. Travel Behaviour & Society. (DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2017.03.004)
[10] Gong, L., Yamamoto, T., & Morikawa, T. (2016). Comparison of Activity Type Identification from Mobile Phone GPS Data Using Various Machine Learning Methods. Asian Transport Studies. Vol.4, No. 1, 114-128 (DOI:10.11175/eastsats.4.114 )
[11] Gong, L., Sato, H.,Yamamoto T., & Morikawa, T. (2015). Identification of Activity Stop Locations in GPS Trajectories by Density-based Clustering Method Combined with Support Vector Machines. Journal of Modern Transportation, 23(3), 202-213. (DOI:10.1007/s40534-015-0079-x )
[12] Gong, L., Yamamoto T., & Morikawa, T. (2015). Inferring Trip Purpose from Mobile Phone GPS Data with Support Vector Machines. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, Vol. 32 S1, 90-97.
[13] Gong, L., Morikawa, T., Yamamoto, T., & Sato, H. (2014). Deriving Personal Trip Data from GPS Data: A Literature Review on the Existing Methodologies. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 138, 557-565.(DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.07.239)
8. 代表会议论文(交通专业)
[1] Pengfei Han, Jiexi Yu, Tian Lei, Lei Gong, Cheng Zhu*, Zheng Zhang. (2024). Spatial-temporal Characteristics Analysis of Passenger Transfer Behavior: An Empirical Study Based on Smart Card Data in Shenzhen. In 24th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals.
[2] Pengfei Han, Tian Lei, Lei Gong*, Qihua Zhan, Cheng Zhu. (2024). Analyzing the Transfer Duration of Public Transport Passengers Using Classification and Regression Tree-Multiple-Cox Proportional Hazards (CART-Multi-Cox) Model. In 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 2024, Transportation Research Board: Washington, D.C.
[3] Tianxu Wang, Tian Lei, Lei Gong*, Qin Luo, Zhu Han, Yihong Mo. (2024). Daily Travel Mode Choice Considering Carbon Credit as an Incentive - an Application of the Integrated Choice and Latent Variable (ICLV) Model. In 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 2024, Transportation Research Board: Washington, D.C.
[4] Qiuyue Huang, Tian Lei*, Lei Gong, Fangcai Chen, Qihua Zhan, Qin Luo, Jingjing Chen. (2024). Charging Demand Estimation for Electric Taxi using Data-driven Approach combined with Bounded Rational Behavior Modeling. In 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 2024, Transportation Research Board: Washington, D.C.
[5] Lei Gong, Tianxu Wang, Zhanjie Cai*, Tian Lei, Baicheng Li & Guoyong Lin.(2023). Analysis on Acceptance of Carbon Credit System as an Incentive for Choosing Green Travel Modes with Structural Equation Modeling. In 2023 IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE)
[6] Lei Gong.*,Pengfei Han, Tian Lei., Jingjing Chen, Qin Luo, Jia Wang, Cheng Zhu, Yihong Mo, Yufei Hou.(2023).Pattern Analysis of Transfer Behavior of Public Transit Passengers via Smart Card Data. In The 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2023)
[7] Huang, Q., Chen F., Lei T.*, Zhan Q., Shan D., Gong L.(2023).Investigating the Influencing Factors of Vehicles’ Lateral Position Stability on Expressway. In The 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2023)
[8] Wang T., Gong, L.*, Lei T. & Luo Q. (2023). Carbon Credit System as an Incentive to Green Travel: A Literature Review, In 23rd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals.
[9] Long F., Huang Q., Shan D., Lei T., Zhan Q., Gong L.* (2023). Understanding the Severity of Truck-Involved Crashes on Mountainous Expressway Considering Vehicle Types and Road Alignment Specifications, In 23rd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals.
[10] Tian Lei, Donghui Shan, Fengjiao Long, Qihua Zhan, Qiuyue Huang, Lei Gong*. (2023). Understanding Severity of Truck-involved Crashes on Mountainous Expressway Considering Vehicle Types and Road Alignment Specifications. In 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 2024, Transportation Research Board: Washington, D.C.
[11] Yuntao Guo, Xinwu Qian, Tian Lei, Shuocheng Guo, Lei Gong. (2023). Modeling the Electric Shared Mobility Drivers’ Charging Station Preference. In 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 2024, Transportation Research Board: Washington, D.C.
[12] Wei Huang, Lei Gong*, Qin Luo, Tian Lei. (2022). Cluster Analysis of Trip Purpose Based on Residents’ Travel Characteristic. In 2022 IEEE 6th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE)
[13] Tian Lei, Shuocheng Guo, Xinwu Qian, Lei Gong. (2022). Understanding charging dynamics of fully electrified taxi services using large-scale trajectory data. In 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 2022, Transportation Research Board: Washington, D.C.
[14] Lei Gong*, Qin Luo (2021, September). A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Method and Spatial Filtered Negative Binomial Model on Handling Spatial Correlation when Predicting the Daily Demand of Shared Bike Trips. In 2021 5th International Conference on Traffic Engineering and Transportation System(ICTETS 2021). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2619715
[15] WenJie Zhang, Lei Gong*, Tong Zhao, Qin Luo, Chongfu Yao, Yu Wang. Short-Time Prediction of Subway Inbound Passenger Flow Based on K-means Clustering Combination Model. In 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE)
[16] Cai, Y., Luo, Q., Li, W., & Gong, L.* (2020, September). Optimize Train Operation Plan of Urban Rail Transit Including Temporal Variation of Passenger Ridership During the Day. In 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE) (pp. 508-512). IEEE.
[17] Chen, W., Luo, Q., Li, W., & Gong, L.* (2020, September). Optimization of Capacity Utilization of High-Speed Railway Network. In 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE) (pp. 224-228). IEEE.
9. 代表期刊论文(教改)及教材:
[1] 宫磊,罗钦,雷天,王佳,日本高校物流管理专业人才培养体系剖析--以日本流通经济大学为例[J], 科学咨询,2023年8月刊
[2] 宫磊,罗钦,尹晓红.国内国际双循环背景下物流人才能力需求分析[J].高教学刊,2023,9(13):10-14.DOI:10.19980/j.CN23-1593/G4.2023.13.003.
[3] Lei Gong, Qin Luo, Tian Lei, Jia Wang*, Wei Huang. Analysis of Characteristics of Cultivation System of the Major of Logistics in Japan. In The 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Wisdom Education and Service Management(HWESM 2023)
[4] Lei Gong, Qin Luo, Jia Wang, Wei Huang. Analyzing the Needed Skill of Logistics Personnel during Their Education in the Context of Dual Circulation. In 2022 7th International Conference on Modern Management and Education Technology (MMET 2022).
[5] Lei Gong, Qin Luo, Xiongfei Zhang, Cheng Zhu, Wei Huang. Preference of Furthering Studies in Vocational Education System, an Empirical Analysis of Questionnaires. In 2022 International Conference on Sport Science, Education and Social Development (SSESD2022).
[6] 宫磊,罗钦,张雄飞,尹晓红.基于个体问卷调查的高职院校学生升学意愿分析[J].科教导刊,2022(20):155-158.DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdk.2022.20.050.
[7] Gong, L.& Luo, Q. (2021).Empirical Research of Relationship between Internship Effect and Job-hunting in Full-time Professional Graduate School in China [J]. 『東アジア教育研究』第 11 号
[8] 张雄飞, 宫磊, 罗钦. 新时代背景下面向应用技术型人才培养的"交通规划"课程教学改革的思考[J]. 科教导刊:电子版, 2021.
[9] 罗钦,李旭,宫磊,尹晓红. “轨道交通系统概论”思政课堂案例教学设计与实践[J]. 科教导刊, 2021(13).
[10] Wang, J, Shi Y, & Gong, L. (2020). Factors Affecting Entrance Motivation of full-time Professional Graduate School Students-Based questionnaire survey in China [J].『東アジア教育研究』第 10 号
[11] 宫磊,罗钦.日本应用型人才培养体系研究[J].G53 职业技术教育,2020(09):80-86.(为同名文章被中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料全文转载)
[12] 宫磊,罗钦.日本应用型人才培养体系研究[J].职教发展研究,2020(01):100-107.
[13] 张雄飞,宫磊. 《城市轨道交通需求分析与线网规划》,西南交通大学出版社,2020年
[14] 宫磊,曾银莲,朱诚,张峥. 《物流法律法规》,西南交通大学出版社,2024年1月。
[1] 2023年,优秀指导教师奖,指导“烧莲仙疯队”在2023年“百蝶杯”第九届全国大学生物流仿真设计大赛中获得二等奖。
[2] 2023年,指导“烧莲仙疯队”在2023年“百蝶杯”第九届全国大学生物流仿真设计大赛中获得二等奖。
[3] 2023年,优秀指导教师奖,指导“鸡蛋派队”在2023年全国大学生智慧供应链创新创业挑战赛中获得二等奖。
[4] 2023年,指导“鸡蛋派队”在2023年全国大学生智慧供应链创新创业挑战赛决赛铜奖。
[5] 2023年,指导“鸡蛋派队”在2023年全国大学生智慧供应链创新创业挑战赛二等奖。
[6] 2022年,指导“任意门队”在2022年第三届全国供应链大赛本科组赛道获得三等奖。
[7] 2022年,指导“临时起意队”在2022年第三届全国供应链大赛本科组赛道获得三等奖。
[8] 2022年,指导“畅通无组队”在2022年全国大学生智慧供应链创新创业挑战赛二等奖。
[9] 2021年,优秀指导教师奖,指导“ZZZ队”在2021年“百蝶杯”第七届全国大学生物流仿真设计大赛总决赛中获二等奖。
[10] 2021年,全国互联网+教师教学能力竞赛--《供应链管理》课程赛项二等奖。
[11] 2021年,全国新职业技术技能大赛供应链管理师广东省选拔赛暨2021年广东省“川流杯”供应链管理师职业技能竞赛职工组个人优秀奖、优秀组织奖。
[12] 2021年,《思政引领、创新驱动、实践导向、校企协同的交通运输特色专业建设》,suncity太阳新城教学成果奖一等奖,排名第三。
[13] 2020“链战风云”全国大学生智慧供应链创新创业挑战赛优秀指导教师,排名第一
[14] 2020年,优秀指导教师奖,指导“基因重组队”在2020“链战风云”全国大学生智慧供应链创新创业挑战赛获三等奖。
[15] 2020中美青年创客大赛总决赛,三等奖,排名第四
[16] 2019年,suncity太阳新城讲课竞赛三等奖。
[17] 2018-2023年,深圳市海外高层次C类人才(孔雀计划)
[18] Outstanding Paper Award(十佳论文奖,第一兼通讯作者), 14th ITS Asia Pacific Forum,南京(2015)
[19] 华夏建设科学技术奖一等奖(第五参加人),北京(2015)
[20] 日本文部省奖学金,日本(2012-2016)
[21] 中部日本华人华侨第一届羽毛球单打二等奖,日本名古屋(2014)
[22] 重庆菜园坝火车站地区规划设计招标一等奖(参加人),重庆(2010)
[23] 天津西站地区规划招标一等奖(参加人),天津(2008)
[24] 北京亦庄轨道枢纽地区规划招标一等奖(参加人),北京(2007)
[25] 洛阳南站地区概念规划及城市设计竞赛二等奖(参加人),洛阳(2007)
E-mail : gonglei@sztu.edu.cn