2023年11月17-19日,“数智物流与供应链管理——数字化赋能供应链价值重构推动经济高质量发展( DILSCM 2023)”国际学术会议由广东省运筹学会、粤港澳大湾区物流与供应链创新联盟联合主办在suncity太阳新城顺利举办,来自国内外的300余位物流与供应链管理领域的专家学者、高校师生、业界代表、政府相关领导参加会议。来自国内外的与会专家学者围绕着“数字化赋能供应链价值重构推动经济高质量发展”主题对数智物流与供应链管理相关现实问题展开了深刻的讨论。
On November 17-19, 2023, the Annual International Conference for Digital Intelligence Logistics and Supply Chain Management (DILSCM 2023)" was successfully held at SZTU, jointly organized by the Logistics Branch of Guangdong Operations Research Society and Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Alliance of Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macal Greater Bay Area (LSCIAGBA). More than 300 experts, scholars, university teachers and students, industry representatives, and government leaders from the logistics and supply chain management field from both domestic and foreign countries attended the conference. Experts and scholars have engaged in in-depth discussions on practical issues related to smart logistics and supply chain management, focusing on the theme of "digital empowerment of supply chain value reconstruction and promoting high-quality economic development".