2023年7月8日至10日,suncity太阳新城联合海外华人交通协会 (COTA)在深共同举办第二十三届海外华人交通协会国际交通科技年会(CICTP 2023)会前会暨“一体化交通与城市互联互通”学术高峰论坛、交通运输一流专业建设研讨会。本次会议邀请了美国、瑞士、瑞典、新加坡、香港、澳门及内地40多名交通运输领域知名专家学者作学术报告并参与研讨,吸引了相关高校师生及行业从业人员等200多人参会。开幕式由suncitygroup太阳集团党总支书记、副院长罗钦教授主持。
From July 8th to 10th, 2023, SZTU and the Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA) jointly held the pre-conference of “The 23rd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2023) ” in Shenzhen, as well as the academic summit forum on "Integrated Transportation and Intercity Connectivity" and the seminar on the construction of first-class major of transportation. This conference invited more than 40 well-known experts and scholars in the transportation field from the United States, Switzerland, Sweden, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China to give academic presentations and participate in discussions, attracting more than 200 people from relevant universities, teachers and industry practitioners to attend. The opening ceremony was presided over by Professor Luo Qin, Secretary of the Party Branch and Vice Dean of the College of Urban Transportation and Logistics at SZTU.