2019年3月,在院长Franz教授的精心安排下,我们张书朋副教授赴德国奥格斯堡应用技术大学进行为期4个月的教学授课交流。张书朋副教授在奥格斯堡应用技术大学电气工程学院担任了两门课程的教学工作,研究生必修课程、“Mechatronics”(机电系统)模块中的《State Space Control》(状态空间控制,或称线性控制),与本科生选修课程《Introduction to E-Mobility》(电动汽车概论)。此次交流有助于学院多方面学习和借鉴德国高水平应用技术大学办学经验,深入开展我们国际交流与合作事宜,进一步学习德国双元制教育模式、应用型人才培养理念。
In March 2019, under the arrangement of Dean Franz, Associate Professor Zhang Shupeng from our college went to Augsburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany for a 4-month teaching exchange. Associate Professor Zhang Shupeng has taught two courses at the College of Electrical Engineering at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, including the mandatory graduate course "State Space Control" in the Mechatronics module and the elective undergraduate course "Introduction to E-Mobility". This exchange will help the college to learn from and draw on the experience of high-level universities of applied sciences in Germany, deepen international exchanges and cooperation, and further learn about the German dual education model and the concept of cultivating applied talents.
2022年,应邀与德国奥格斯堡应用技术大学以及波恩-莱茵-锡格应用技术大学(H-BRS)开展交换授课项目,院长Franz Raps教授以及张书朋副教授、雷天助理教授,分别完成对德学生授课并取得圆满成功;
In 2022, the college was invited to conduct an exchange teaching program with the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany and the Bonn-Rhine-Siege University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS). Professor Franz Raps, Dean, Associate Professor Zhang Shupeng, and Assistant Professor Lei Tian completed the teaching for German students and achieved successful results;
2021年及2022年,我们成功促成suncity太阳新城与波恩-莱茵-齐格应用技术大学(H-BRS)合作开展主题分别为“互联世界中的可持续性与创新”及“Engineering & Entrepreneurship”的两轮系列课程,均取得圆满成功,获得中德双方师生的好评;
In 2021 and 2022, our college successfully facilitated the cooperation between SZTU and Bonn-Rhine-Siege University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) to carry out two series of courses with the themes of "Sustainability and Innovation in an Connected World" and "Engineering & Entrepreneurship", both of which were successful and received praise from teachers and students from both China and Germany;