2018年11月5-10日,suncity太阳新城(筹)副主任徐刚一行六人赴荷兰、德国进行考察。短短6天的时间,代表团先后访问了荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(Delft University of Technology)、德国海尔布隆应用技术大学(Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences)松特海姆校区(Sontheim Campus)和金策尔绍校区(Künzelsau Campus)、德国奥格斯堡应用技术大学(Augsburg University of Applied Sciences)、德国因戈尔施塔特应用技术大学(Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences)、德国慕尼黑应用技术大学(Munich University of Applied Sciences)等5所知名应用技术大学,以及德国伍尔特集团(Würth Group)伍尔特电子(Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co.KG)、德国韧客测试系统有限公司(Renk Test System GmbH)、德国大陆集团(Continental AG)、慕尼黑交运集团(MVG)地铁运营中心等4家企业。
On November 5-10, 2018, Xu Gang, Vice Director of SZTU (Preparatory), and a group of six went to the Netherlands and Germany for inspection. In just 6 days, the delegation visited 5 well-known universities of applied sciences including Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences in Germany at Sontheim Campus and Künzelsau Campus, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany, and Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences and Munich University of Applied Sciences in Germany, as well as enterprises including Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH&Co. KG of Würth Group and Renk Test System GmbH, Continental AG and Munich Transport Group (MVG) Subway Operations Center.
In December 2018, our institution invited Professor Takada Kazuki, Director of the Department of Architecture and Urban Environment, and Reviewer and Deputy Director of the Examination Center at Tokyo Denki University in Japan, to exchange and give a special lecture.
2023年5月,与波恩-莱茵-齐格应用技术大学(H-BRS)赛车工作室展开深入合作,成功邀请Dirk Reith教授及三位博士到访赛车工作室并进行为期两周的合作交流,对赛车工作室的发展提供了卓越的帮助;
In May 2023, we conducted in-depth cooperation with the Racing Studio of H-BRS and successfully invited Professor Dirk Reith and three PhDs to visit the Racing Studio for a two-week collaborative exchange, providing excellent assistance to the development of the SZTU Racing Studio;
此外,我们还曾邀请英国切尔滕那木格罗斯特大学博士生导师Marc Helmold教授前来我们进行《Lean Production》课程授课,该课程深受学生喜爱;还邀请前宝马(BMW)公司销售与市场部、技术服务部主管,汽车行业资深执行咨询师Axel Deicke先生前来进行学院学科规划与建设咨询服务,为学院汽车服务工程及车辆工程专业的学科发展规划及培养方案提出了大量的宝贵意见。
In addition, our college has also invited Professor Marc Helmold, a doctoral supervisor from the University of Cheltenham Gloucester in the UK, to teach the Lean Production course at our institution, which is highly favored by students. We have also invited Mr. Axel Deicke, former sales and marketing department and technical service department manager of BMW, as well as senior executive consultant in the automotive industry, to provide consulting services on the planning and construction of the college's disciplines. He provided valuable suggestions for the development planning and training programs of the college's automotive service engineering and vehicle engineering disciplines.